Winner of the CaRe award 2021

Aukelien Scheffelaar

Top 3

  • Floor van den Brand
  • Aukelien Scheffelaar
  • Vincent van Vugt

Nominations 2021


  1. Alena Kamenshchikova; Resistant bacteria in society Travelling through practices of policy, healthcare and science 
  2. Floor van den Brand; Financial incentives for smoking cessation
  3. Ingrid Kremer; Facilitating shared decision-making with a patient decision aid for choosing a treatment for multiple sclerosis; Guiding stakeholders through a forest of criteria


  1. Anne Wichman; Pin Pin Korori – Live Long, Die Short: Efficiency of palliative care delivery throughout Europe from a macro, meso and micro level
  2. Bram Tilburgs; Advance care planning in dementia: Development and evaluation of an educational intervention in primary care
  3. Marloes Heutmekers; Out-of-hours primary care for people with intellectual disabilities: out-of-sight, out-of-touch, out-of-mind


  1. Bette Loef; Shift work: Health, lifestyle, and immunological effects
  2. Michael Schreuders; Smoke-free school policies: understanding their impact and implementation by using the realist approach
  3. Vincent van Vugt; The merits of vestibular rehabilitation: Exploring vertigo and dizziness in general practice


  1. Daniël van Hassel; Working hours of general practitioners: Identifying differences in working hours with data obtained by a real time measurement tool
  2. Tessa Jansen; Mind the Safety Net Socioeconomic inequalities in out-of-hours primary care use
  3. Aukelien Scheffelaar; About the client perspective: A participatory study evaluating the quality of long-term care relationships

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